
A switch to greener energy sources is core to ensuring global ecological transition. To help power the world in a better way, what are the challenges and innovations to be aware of?

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tapis vagues énergie
Today's tomorrow

A magic carpet that converts wave energy into electricity

Sea Wave Energy Limited (SWEL) has developed a floating device branded “...

biocarburants véhicule
Question time

​​Are biofuels safe for the environment?

Did you know that the first internal combustion engine developed by Nikolaus...

Goutte d'eau
Question time

Hydrogen - a sustainable energy for the future

Generalizing hydrogen – often portrayed as tomorrow’s energy – should enable...

Vache dans un pré
Question time

What is biogas and is it really green?

There is a way for people to power their motor vehicles or heat their homes...

Munich's solar-powered rechargeable bus
Good to know

Munich buses will soon run on solar power

Germany's third largest city, Munich, is about to test a hybrid bus...

silent wind turbines from the start-up company Unéole
Today's tomorrow

This startup wants to install wind turbines in city centers

The idea of buildings using their rooftop to generate the energy they need...