
Circular economy is a major element of our collective journey towards ecological transformation. Here, we see how the world is working to recycle more efficiently than before.

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couverture du livre Cradle to Cradle
Your actions matter

5 books everyone should read to finally understand what a circular economy is

Endlessly recycle, lead a zero waste lifestyle, innovate taking inspiration...

cheveux longs ondulés châtains foncés
Good to know

Recycled hair, a new resource

Our hair can become annoying and space-consuming waste for barbers, who...

Bouteilles en plastique
Today's tomorrow

In Abidjan, AfricWaste optimizes plastic bottle collection

In the Ivory Coast, waste collection has yet to be properly structured and...

Gobelets à usage unique
Question time

Can disposable cups be recycled?

Despite what we might believe, disposable cups aren’t made of paper...

Chaises design en papier de journal recyclé NewspaperWood
Today's tomorrow

Meet the Dutch engineers who design furniture with recycled paper

Three Dutch designers have created a material that mimics wood, made...

Poubelle avec symbole du recyclage
Good to know

Germany, a plastic recycling hub in Europe

Since China closed its borders to plastic waste imports, recycling plastics...