Stop pollution

Is there a way we could put an end to widespread pollution? We explore exciting solutions that stop industrial and continental contamination, and support global clean up initiatives.

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mégot abandonné
24 hours

24 hours with a cigarette butt tossed out on the street

“There’s really nothing positive about a cigarette,” says Cindy Zipf,...

produits alimentaires
Your actions matter

Five good reasons to shop in bulk

In recent years, bulk products - that is, items that are not pre-packaged...

Sunflower field
Your actions matter

Four plants that decontaminate your garden soil

Whether by absorbing, capturing or breaking down toxic materials, certain...

a vegetable garden cultivated by four people
Your actions matter

Growing a vegetable garden without using pesticides

No one can be surprised by the fact that fruit and vegetable pesticides are...

a ginger cat standing on its hind legs
Your actions matter

How to reduce your pet’s environmental impact

House pets like cats, dogs (and even fish) are cute, cuddly, playful and...

a baby is sitting on his high chair spilling his food
Your actions matter

Reducing babies’ environmental footprint

Even the most environmentally-conscious young parents must acknowledge that...